Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Materialise... Uh Oh!!

hello, Hello......

so So SO "Sorry" for the loong break in transmission here Folks! Materialise was in the thick of things during the storm that hit Perth in March.

As you can see we had our own private swimming pool courtesy of Mother Nature

I freaked out when I saw how much it had actually rained inside. Luckily quite a few good friends come to our rescue...

Georgie and I spent the next two days on a salvage mission.
We definitely had our work cut out for us......!

It's quite a tricky business drying really, Really, REALLY long lengths of fabric....
But we all got creative with it!!!

And as you can see we got pretty "Busy" utilising every spare square inch of space.

Thank you to everyone that helped us on that horrible stormy night & on the days that followed.....
Over half our fabrics were lost due to the storm but thankfully we are nearly back on track.